Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Be least in posting a new story :).

New Year has come. I wanna make this year has more meaning in my journey's life.

Last year, I think I only posted one article in my blog. For a woman whose passion is publishing novel, I wasn't  productive. Starting today, I promise myself to post at least one article every month. 

Yesterday, I bought two interesting books. A motivation book and a true story book. The first entitled "Be Happy at Work"... While the last is the number one bestseller (in the world?). I always get attracted with the bestseller books. It' talks about someone's true story. 

I will tell you what I get from the books later.

Actually, I wanted to buy  new shoes. So, I come by to mall after work. But, what I got? two books filled in my big bag and no shoes....